Ufont is freeware editor and loader of text fonts. It suports text fonts 8x6 to 8x16 points.
Ufont has many functions for easy creating new fonts.
There are over 90 different fonts in Ufont and fonts for national code pages:
437 - USA / World, 737 - Greece II, 775 - East Europe, 850 - Multilingual (Latin I),
852 - Slavic / East Europe (Latin II), 855 - Cyrillic I, 857 - Turkey, 859-1 - KOI8-ÈS,
859-2 - ISO 8859.2, 860 - Portugal, 861 Iceland, 863 Canadian-French,
865 - North Europe, 866 - Russia (Cyrillic II), 869 - Greece, 895/844 - Czech/Slovak - Kamenický (KBCS),
1250 - MS Windows (Central Europe).
PC AT compatible computer, CPU 80286, 500 kB free space on disk, 300 kB free
RAM, EGA graphics card, EGA monitor, DOS 3.3.
PC486DX2/66, 2MB RAM, VGA graphics card and VGA monitor, fonts loading program
(e.g. PROBAT), DOS 6.22.