Download Tool Utils

ToolUtils is freeware set of utilities:
- Code Page Converter - Converts texts nad databases between code pages 895/844 (Kamenický), 852 (Latin 2), 1250 (Windows CE), 437 (US / without diacrtics / 7-bit)
- EDiDrive - Enable / Disable Drive
- InsKey - Inserts key into key buffer
- Key Code - Returns key code (DEC/HEX/BIN - ASCII/SCAN/EXTENDED ASCII)
- Memory Dumper - Grabs memory range to file
- National Keyboard Driver - Keyboard driver for 59 national keyboards
- StealIt! - "Thief" of files which "steals" sounds, musics,... from files
- SetDaTi - Sets date and time of files
- Slower - Slowing program
- Slack Of Files - Shows real size of files
- UfLoad - Text fonts loader
PC AT compatible computer, CPU 80286, 500kB free space on disk, 640kB RAM,
DOS 5.0.
PC486DX2/66, 2MB RAM, VGA graphics card and VGA monitor, DOS 5.0, 1 MB free space on disk.