e-mail: OutSide@d3k0.Sk

Oops, you found this page... So hi! You can read something about me. And you can also see me. The monster on left side is me and this picture is even little bit embellished... :) But who am I?

I could start about my age. 21, no more comment. I have brown eyes, black hair, low height, even lower weight and in-line blades... I like ice-cream, white chocolate with any kind of nuts, trams, trolleybuses, buses, graffiti, in-line blading and similar stuffs. I love... hmm... rather let's go on what I don't love. :) I hate intolerance and dullness. In the past, I have been little bit programming (look at my creations...) and now I do web design. You can make certain of it e.g. on pages iMHD.sk, Compeko and Fire Protection of Buildings.

If you want write me something nice, write to e-mail address OutSide@d3k0.Sk.

And I haven't mentioned my cool friends (in alphabetical order): Andrea, Bárča, Dano, Dušan, Eňa, Ivo, Jana, Kuťo, Maca, Majkl, Marek, Maťo, Mike, Miša, Mišo, Monika, Peťo, Renča, Roman, Spectre, Tibor, Turo, Zdeno, Zuzka and Žemlo. (Uff, so many people...) If I forgot someone, so sorry - I didn't want do that.

That's all folks... :)))


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